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Online learn­ing has rev­o­lu­tion­ized edu­ca­tion in many ways, and one of the often over­looked ways is how much faster and acces­si­ble col­lege degrees and degree com­ple­tion pro­grams are. You can com­plete your col­lege degree in less than two years, some schools even would allow you to do so in just one. At Cal­i­for­nia Bap­tist Uni­ver­si­ty, if you have an asso­ci­ate’s degree, there are pro­grams that would allow you to pow­er through the rest of your bach­e­lor’s in 12 months thanks to the fast-paced cours­es and ample trans­fer cred­its allowed. Typ­i­cal com­ple­tion pro­grams take stu­dents 18 months, so this is one of the fastest available.

Going back to school at 25 to com­plete your bach­e­lor’s degree is the first step in paving the way to a brighter pro­fes­sion­al future or even advanc­ing your edu­ca­tion to the grad­u­ate lev­el. But, now that you’re an adult, you may real­ize that you have a lot more on your plate than you did in the past or you may just have a sense of urgency about get­ting the show on the road now that you’ve got more life expe­ri­ence under your belt.

Thanks to the col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties that put stu­dents’ needs above all else, there are plen­ty of pro­grams that can allow you to get that degree done fast. Semes­ters are typ­i­cal­ly 16 weeks in length, but there are schools that have con­densed those down to just six, sev­en, or eight weeks so that they can be done at the accel­er­at­ed pace that you’re look­ing for. Trans­fer poli­cies have also been adjust­ed to accom­mo­date stu­dents’ past expe­ri­ence at anoth­er col­lege or even on the job so that they have less to com­plete to get their degree; some schools allow as many as 100 cred­its to come with you when you enroll.

As an exam­ple of one of these schools, there’s Cal­i­for­nia Bap­tist Uni­ver­si­ty. It is among the fastest com­ple­tion pro­grams out there. CBU offers 22 dif­fer­ent online degree com­ple­tion pro­grams that are ful­ly accred­it­ed, flex­i­ble, cov­er a broad range of areas of study, and are pret­ty afford­able. The course­work is pre­sent­ed through Black­board in an asyn­chro­nous for­mat, which means that stu­dents can sign in any time of day and that all of the mate­ri­als are read­i­ly avail­able; there is no wait­ing for any live lec­tures or meet­ings on cam­pus. Not only that, but stu­dents are admit­ted on a rolling basis, which means you tru­ly can do it when the time is best for you.

Fields like account­ing, pub­lic health, soci­ol­o­gy, and more can be tak­en at CBU and will only cost stu­dents $547 per cred­it. Despite being a pri­vate uni­ver­si­ty, it has the most com­pet­i­tive tuition pric­ing in the state of Cal­i­for­nia and has ample oppor­tu­ni­ties for grants, schol­ar­ships, and finan­cial aid avail­able. This is one of the high­est qual­i­ty degree com­ple­tion options in the coun­try and it can be done in just one year. Blue­field State Col­lege is also very fast, allow­ing you to com­plete your degree in 13 months in Ear­ly Child­hood Edu­ca­tion, Crim­i­nal Jus­tice, or Man­age­ment & Lead­er­ship. The cost at Blue­field is just $279 per credit.


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