Author: Staff Editor


What Can You Do With An Economics Degree?

You may picture charts and graphs and a desk when it comes to life beyond college for an economics major. With an economics degree, there’s no doubt that people use math as a part of the job they were hired for. Although mathematics is a definitive part of the subject, it is not as . . .

Are There Any Online Bachelors Degrees In Economics?

Colleges around the country understand the importance of accommodating the different needs of their students. Education platforms are continually evolving, making it easier than ever to satisfy prospective economics majors who prefer distance learning. Reputable colleges offer students the same quality of degree regardless if they have chosen an on-campus or off-campus path . . .

What Are Some Of The Top Jobs For Economics Majors?

Key Information: Economics majors can pursue careers in academia, business, and government. Common roles include economists, market research analysts, and financial planners. The job market for economists is expected to grow, with various opportunities across corporate and public sectors. Positions like product manager and benefits administrator offer high salaries, reflecting the demand and expertise required . . .

How Many College Degree Levels Are Beyond A Bachelor's Degree?

Key Information: A master's typically requires one to two years of study after a bachelor's degree, focusing on advanced knowledge in a specific field. After a master's program often requires several years of research and a dissertation, leading to the highest academic credential in most fields. Beyond a bachelor's includes degrees . . .

On Average, How Many Years Is A Bachelor's Degree?

The typical bachelor's degree program takes a student four years to complete and that has been the standard to which bachelor's programs are held for a long time now. That's because it's true, but it is also a misconception to think that all bachelor's programs take four years to complete . . .

Where Can I Find Out How To Get A Bachelor's Degree Online?

There is a broad range of resources that you can turn to find out whether a certain program is offered online without having to dig through school websites, which can sometimes be a little bit complicated. You can explore the databases of websites that track school diligently, like NCES. You can confirm that distance programs . . .

Where Can I Find An Online Accelerated Bachelors Degree?

Accelerated programs are growing in popularity and because of that, more and more schools are adding them into the curriculum. There are colleges and universities all over the country that are presenting programs in accelerated formats that feature classes as short as 7 or 8 weeks, allow students to take more classes per term, and . . .

Which Bachelor's Programs Are The Easiest College Degrees?

Pursuing a higher education may not ever be easy but that doesn't mean that you can't find a degree that is going to be the easiest option for you. Some of the things that you might want to look for when you're trying to find which program is going to be the . . .

Who Are The Most Famous Computer Scientists?

The advances of computer technology have been pioneered by some of humanity’s most inspired thinkers. From the early groundbreakers like Ada Lovelace and Alan Turing, to the visionaries who brought personal computing into our homes like Bill Gates and Steve Wozniak, to developers of the internet like Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Tim Berners . . .

Which Is A Better Psychology Degree, A BA Or BS?

Psychology majors will find that their college or university offers two different degrees in psychology, Bachelors of Arts (BA) and Bachelors of Science (BS). Each university’s program may differ, so it is important to talk to your academic advisor about the path that will be right for you. Often the two separate tracks will . . .

Where Can I Get the Best BSc Online in Psychology

If you want to earn a Psychology BSc online, you've already narrowed down a vast array of possible degrees and delivery methods, so kudos to you. You've also come to the right place. At Bachelors Degree Center, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive rankings of schools and degree programs based on the utility . . .

Where Can I Find The Best Colleges For Psychology?

There are many different metrics that can be used to rank the best colleges for psychology, making it a subjective process. The best way to find the psychology program that will suit your expectations is to create your own methodology based on your own priorities. If you are looking for the college that has the . . .

What Schools Offer The Best Programs For A Computer Science Major?

There are many metrics that go into ranking the best programs for a computer science major, meaning that the “best” program is subjective. The most prudent way to find the computer science program for you is to create a methodology that prioritizes your needs and strengths. Many computer science majors will want to move to . . .

What is the Difference? Psychologist vs Therapist

If you're looking to help people through counseling, therapy or provide comparable services, earning a degree in psychology can propel you on your path. What's great about earning a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology is it provides a foundation that can become the first step towards a cornucopia of different careers. Psychology . . .

What Can I Do With A Bachelor Of Computer Science Degree?

As the information age continues to evolve, we will continue to see automation take over large sections of the job market. These jobs that have been the staples of the middle and working-class economy will be lost to computers, and that means that graduates with computer science degrees will become some of the most . . .

What Are The Easiest College Majors For Freshman?

There’s no such thing as an “easy” college degree. Any college degree requires a large investment of time and effort, which is how students will gain the most from their experience. Since students are often investing a large amount of money as well, they should soak up as much information as possible over the . . .

Computer Science vs Information Technology What's The Difference?

Computer Science and Information Technology degrees are the two most popular types of computer-related degrees. Both areas of study seem similar to the layman, but there are different skill sets and career opportunities for each degree. Computer Science is a broad area of study that includes the theoretical foundations for computing and is put . . .

What Is The Easiest Degree To Get In Psychology?

Key Information: Easier degrees in psychology might be found at the Associate's level, which generally has lighter requirements and a more straightforward curriculum. An associate's in psychology will likely only qualify you to work under the direct supervision of a licensed Psychologist or counselor. Community college and Universities can offer an associate's . . .

What Are The Highest Paying Business Degrees?

If you're interested in a Business degree, you're not doing it for charity. Let's talk turkey. What are the highest-paying business degrees? What degrees are on the horizon that are projected to see increased wages and job openings in the near future? Where are the best places to earn those degrees . . .

What Are The Easiest College Degrees For High Paying Careers?

Key Information: Degrees leading to jobs in fields like software development and financial analysis tend to offer high earnings. Choosing a degree that matches your skills and interests can make college easier and lead to more lucrative careers. Fields expected to grow, such as technology and business management, are highlighted as having great potential for . . .