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Key Infor­ma­tion:

  • Belle­vue Uni­ver­si­ty and West­ern Gov­er­nors Uni­ver­si­ty are top schools for an afford­able bach­e­lor’s in ana­lyt­ics.
  • Factors such as loca­tion, edu­ca­tion lev­el, work expe­ri­ence, and indus­try can sig­nif­i­cant­ly influ­ence salary poten­tial, with high­er earn­ings pos­si­ble in sec­tors like finan­cial services.
  • Data ana­lyt­ics offers a range of entry-lev­el job oppor­tu­ni­ties in com­put­er sci­ence, IT, and busi­ness analysis. 
  • These roles pro­vide flex­i­bil­i­ty to focus on var­i­ous sec­tors with­in the IT and com­put­er sci­ence indus­tries, depend­ing on per­son­al inter­ests and career goals.
  • The aver­age salary for data ana­lyt­ics spe­cial­ists is around $67,000 per year.

When you are look­ing for a cheap ana­lyt­ics degree pro­gram to help you cut costs and focus on your long-term goals, you will want to eval­u­ate your sit­u­a­tion and make appro­pri­ate deci­sions based on your needs. The cheap­est ana­lyt­ics degrees dif­fer based on the school pro­gram, your state of res­i­dence, and any schol­ar­ships that may apply to your afford­able ana­lyt­ics degree.

An alter­na­tive method to help cut back on the costs is to take your gen­er­al edu­ca­tion cours­es at a com­mu­ni­ty col­lege, and then trans­fer into a uni­ver­si­ty or four-year bach­e­lor’s pro­gram. A com­mu­ni­ty col­lege may have low­er costs when com­pared to a uni­ver­si­ty, so it helps with low­er­ing the total expense of your degree.

A sim­ple way to save mon­ey on an ana­lyt­ics degree is to seek out finan­cial assis­tance. Col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties may offer a vari­ety of schol­ar­ships and grants to help stu­dents with the costs of their degrees. You can also con­sid­er gov­ern­ment grants or pri­vate schol­ar­ships to help bring down the costs of your degree.

In some cas­es, an online pro­gram may help with the costs of obtain­ing your degree. Online pro­grams may offer accel­er­at­ed cours­es or low­er costs for cours­es when com­pared to tra­di­tion­al class­room options. Make sure you com­pare the costs of the tra­di­tion­al degree pro­gram and the online pro­gram to ensure that it does help reduce the costs, since col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties may have dif­fer­ent expens­es and fac­tors involved in pricing.

Methodology: Ranking the Most Affordable Analytics Degree Programs

Bachelor’s Degree Cen­ter is com­mit­ted to guid­ing prospec­tive stu­dents to accred­it­ed, rep­utable pro­grams that will help them ful­fill their goals in edu­ca­tion and career. All of the insti­tu­tions fea­tured in our most afford­able rank­ing are known for qual­i­ty and job mar­ket rep­u­ta­tion, but for the pur­pose of rank­ing, schools are pre­sent­ed in order from low­est to high­est tuition, accord­ing to IPEDS data.

1. Bellevue University

When you are look­ing for the most afford­able busi­ness ana­lyt­ics degrees to help with your career objec­tives, the BS in Busi­ness Ana­lyt­ics from Belle­vue Uni­ver­si­ty is a good choice to help with your plans. The degree pro­gram teach­es stu­dents the process­es to use and ana­lyze big data for improve­ments to busi­ness deci­sions. It gives stu­dents the foun­da­tion they need in busi­ness as well as the crit­i­cal skills they need in tech­nol­o­gy to help a busi­ness grow and thrive.

Belle­vue Uni­ver­si­ty empha­sizes the use of tech­nol­o­gy as it applies to the busi­ness sec­tor. That focus on tech­nol­o­gy ensures that stu­dents are able to keep up with the chang­ing mar­ket con­di­tions and can make pos­i­tive changes to help a com­pa­ny improve by eval­u­at­ing data. It also gives stu­dents the skills they need to address con­cerns that may arise when using com­put­er systems.

High­light: Belle­vue Uni­ver­si­ty offers a dis­count for active-duty mem­bers of the mil­i­tary and their spous­es who take the busi­ness ana­lyt­ics degree online.

Degree: BS in Busi­ness Analytics

BS in Busi­ness Ana­lyt­ics from Belle­vue University

2. Western Governors University

The BS in Data Management/Analytics from West­ern Gov­er­nors Uni­ver­si­ty is one of the most afford­able ana­lyt­ics degree pro­grams for stu­dents who want to work in a chal­leng­ing busi­ness career. The degree pro­gram com­bines tech­ni­cal skills with ana­lyt­i­cal skills to help stu­dents eval­u­ate infor­ma­tion before sum­ma­riz­ing the details to fit with the goals of a com­pa­ny. It ensures that stu­dents know how to turn the raw data into a use­able form for a company.

West­ern Gov­er­nors Uni­ver­si­ty stands out by allow­ing stu­dents to obtain cer­ti­fi­ca­tions as part of their degree pro­gram. The IT cer­ti­fi­ca­tions avail­able in the pro­gram are part of the degree, so stu­dents are not tak­ing on extra class­es or engag­ing in extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties while work­ing on their degrees to obtain the cer­ti­fi­ca­tions. It gives stu­dents an advan­tage when devel­op­ing their resumes.

High­light: West­ern Gov­er­nors Uni­ver­si­ty is NWC­CU-accred­it­ed and meets the stan­dards of the accred­it­ing body for stu­dent education.

Degree: BS in Data Management/Analytics

BS in Data Management/Analytics from West­ern Gov­er­nors University

3. Texas A&M University Commerce

Texas A&M Uni­ver­si­ty in Com­merce offers a BBA in Busi­ness Ana­lyt­ics that pre­pares stu­dents for the chal­lenges of work­ing in big data ana­lyt­i­cal roles. The degree pro­gram empha­sizes expe­ri­en­tial learn­ing and encour­ages stu­dents to take a hands-on approach to their edu­ca­tions. That allows stu­dents to grow and improve their skills over time.

Texas A&M Uni­ver­si­ty in Com­merce teach­es stu­dents the quan­ti­ta­tive, ana­lyt­i­cal, and busi­ness skills they need for a mar­ketable resume. It gives stu­dents a well-round­ed view of the use of big data in dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tions and ensures that stu­dents are pre­pared to han­dle the chal­lenges that may arise as they gain expe­ri­ence in their fields. The degree pro­gram also empha­sizes tech­ni­cal skills to ensure that stu­dents can take on tech­no­log­i­cal­ly dif­fi­cult tasks for a company.

High­light: Texas A&M Uni­ver­si­ty in Com­merce is AACSB-accred­it­ed for its degree in busi­ness analytics.

Degree: BBA in Busi­ness Analytics

Texas A&M Uni­ver­si­ty in Com­merce BBA in Busi­ness Analytics

4. Purdue University Global

The BS in Ana­lyt­ics from Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty Glob­al is one of the most afford­able ana­lyt­ics degree pro­grams for stu­dents who want to focus on devel­op­ing solu­tions for big data analy­sis. The afford­able ana­lyt­ics degree pro­gram rec­og­nizes that stu­dents may face chal­lenges when it comes to eval­u­at­ing the myr­i­ad of infor­ma­tion avail­able to com­pa­nies through the Inter­net and oth­er sources. By learn­ing the ana­lyt­i­cal tools that help sort and eval­u­ate infor­ma­tion, stu­dents are able to keep up with cur­rent trends and help a busi­ness grow over time.

Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty Glob­al offers a flex­i­ble online degree that helps stu­dents work around com­pli­cat­ed sched­ul­ing con­cerns. It allows stu­dents to work at their own pace with 10-week long cours­es and ensures that stu­dents can work on a degree when it fits their sched­ules. When stu­dents are work­ing or have per­son­al oblig­a­tions that lim­it their abil­i­ty to work on a degree, the online sys­tem allows for greater flex­i­bil­i­ty when studying.

High­light: Pur­due Unver­si­ty Glob­al offers mul­ti­ple start­ing dates through­out the year, so stu­dents are able to start work­ing on a degree when it fits their situation.

Degree: BS in Analytics

BS in Ana­lyt­ics from Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty Global

5. Rutgers University Camden

The BABA in Data Ana­lyt­ics from Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty Cam­den is one of the most afford­able busi­ness ana­lyt­ics degrees for stu­dents who want to focus on the use of big data in com­pa­ny growth. The afford­able ana­lyt­ics degree pro­gram is ful­ly online and allows stu­dents to work on their degree as it fits their sched­ules. It empha­sizes the tools and tech­nol­o­gy used for ana­lyt­i­cal goals with­in a com­pa­ny to help busi­ness­es grow and thrive.

Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty in Cam­den pro­vides a cut­ting-edge edu­ca­tion for stu­dents in the online pro­gram. It allows stu­dents to use inno­v­a­tive online class­es to keep up with mod­ern tools and learn about the meth­ods used to ana­lyze infor­ma­tion in an effec­tive way. Stu­dents learn from the same qual­i­ty fac­ul­ty in the online pro­gram as stu­dents who attend the tra­di­tion­al class­es on-campus.

High­light: Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty in Cam­den offers schol­ar­ships to first-year stu­dents and trans­fer stu­dents who decide to take the online bach­e­lor’s degree program.

Degree: BABA in Data Analytics

BABA in Data Ana­lyt­ics from Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty Camden

6. Arizona State University

Ari­zona State Uni­ver­si­ty offers a BS in Busi­ness Data Ana­lyt­ics that pre­pares stu­dents for the chal­lenges of work­ing on big data analy­sis for a large cor­po­ra­tion or com­pa­ny. The afford­able ana­lyt­ics degree pro­gram empha­sizes big data ini­tia­tives as well as busi­ness acu­men for stu­dents who plan to apply their tech­ni­cal skills to a busi­ness set­ting. It ensures that stu­dents are able to han­dle the tools that help with orga­niz­ing and eval­u­at­ing infor­ma­tion to sum­ma­rize the details in a short­er format.

Ari­zona State Uni­ver­si­ty offers a ful­ly online pro­gram for stu­dents who want to study busi­ness data ana­lyt­ics. The online for­mat ensures that stu­dents have a flex­i­ble sched­ule that allows them to work around com­plex oblig­a­tions or per­son­al sit­u­a­tions. It also allows stu­dents to keep up with any jobs or work that may lim­it their hours for study.

High­light: Ari­zona State Uni­ver­si­ty offers accel­er­at­ed cours­es with 7.5‑week classes.

Degree: BS in Busi­ness Data Analytics

Ari­zona State Uni­ver­si­ty BS in Busi­ness Data Analytics

7. Wilmington University

The BS in Busi­ness Ana­lyt­ics from Wilm­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty is an afford­able option that helps stu­dents gain the skills they need to work in a busi­ness set­ting. The afford­able ana­lyt­ics degree pro­gram empha­sizes big data analy­sis and tech­ni­cal skills as it applies to a busi­ness set­ting. It helps stu­dents iden­ti­fy trends that may arise on the Inter­net and to keep track of cus­tomer data in a safe and secure way. It allows stu­dents to catch poten­tial prob­lems before it caus­es com­pli­ca­tions for the company.

Wilm­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty rec­og­nizes that busi­ness skills play a crit­i­cal role in the growth of an ana­lyt­ics com­pa­ny. That is why it empha­sizes the busi­ness skills that apply to data ana­lyt­ics and the growth of busi­ness­es. It also teach­es stu­dents the tech­ni­cal skills they need to keep up in a mod­ern work envi­ron­ment and to address con­cerns asso­ci­at­ed with tech­no­log­i­cal tools in big data analysis.

High­light: Wilm­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty does not have a GPA or SAT min­i­mum for stu­dents in the online program.

Degree: BS in Busi­ness Analytics

BS in Busi­ness Ana­lyt­ics from Wilm­ing­ton University

8. University of North Dakota

The Uni­ver­si­ty of North Dako­ta offers a BS in Data Sci­ence that pre­pares stu­dents for a chal­leng­ing career in data ana­lyt­ics. The afford­able ana­lyt­ics degree pro­gram empha­sizes the use of tech­nol­o­gy to gath­er infor­ma­tion and to sort details with­in a com­pa­ny. It also pre­pares stu­dents to han­dle the chal­lenges of using big data in a cor­po­rate or busi­ness envi­ron­ment. It rec­og­nizes that com­pa­nies are using big data to iden­ti­fy con­sumer trends or inter­ests, and it pre­pares stu­dents to keep up with cus­tomer interests.

The way the Uni­ver­si­ty of North Dako­ta stands apart is the empha­sis on com­put­er sci­ence as it relates to busi­ness and data ana­lyt­ics. The degree pro­gram rec­og­nizes that com­put­er sci­ence plays a role in the devel­op­ment of mod­ern busi­ness­es and it pre­pares stu­dents to take on the chal­lenges of keep­ing up with com­pa­ny goals.

High­light: The Uni­ver­si­ty of North Dako­ta allows stu­dents to take the data sci­ence degree online or on-campus.

Degree: BS in Data Science

Uni­ver­si­ty of North Dako­ta BS in Data Science

9. Golden Gate University

Gold­en Gate Uni­ver­si­ty offers a BSB in Data Ana­lyt­ics for stu­dents who want to learn tech­ni­cal skills relat­ed to busi­ness and tech­nol­o­gy. The afford­able ana­lyt­ics degree pro­gram teach­es stu­dents how to ana­lyze big data and orga­nize the infor­ma­tion, so they can apply it to dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tions and goals. The degree pro­gram also empha­sizes busi­ness skills to pre­pare stu­dents to work in a mod­ern career.

Gold­en Gate Uni­ver­si­ty rec­og­nizes that stu­dents need a vari­ety of skills to work in many mod­ern busi­ness­es. That is why it allows stu­dents to select data ana­lyt­ics as a con­cen­tra­tion with­in its busi­ness degree pro­gram. The spe­cial­ized train­ing ensures that stu­dents are ready to han­dle chal­lenges in their careers when they grad­u­ate and com­plete their degrees.

High­light: Gold­en Gate Uni­ver­si­ty has small class sizes with an aver­age of 14 stu­dents, which offers an oppor­tu­ni­ty for stu­dents to con­nect with fac­ul­ty when they have ques­tions or concerns.

Degree: BSB in Data Analytics

Gold­en Gate Uni­ver­si­ty offers a BSB in Data Analytics

10. CSU Global

CSU Glob­al offers a BS in Man­age­ment Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems and Busi­ness Ana­lyt­ics degree pro­gram that pre­pares stu­dents for the tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties involved in big data analy­sis. The degree empha­sizes the use of infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy and the effec­tive man­age­ment of an infor­ma­tion sys­tem to main­tain com­pa­ny data and goals. It also pro­vides ana­lyt­i­cal skills relat­ed to busi­ness devel­op­ment to ensure that stu­dents are able to keep up with the needs of a cor­po­ra­tion or a business.

The way CSU Glob­al stands out from oth­er pro­grams is the recog­ni­tion that infor­ma­tion sys­tems play a crit­i­cal role in busi­ness deci­sions. An infor­ma­tion sys­tem must main­tain and gath­er infor­ma­tion from cus­tomers and oth­er sources. It must then eval­u­ate the infor­ma­tion to gen­er­ate reports and sta­tis­ti­cal data. By learn­ing to man­age the sys­tem and ana­lyze the data, stu­dents are able to han­dle chal­lenges in a vari­ety of work environments.

High­light: CSU Glob­al is a mil­i­tary-friend­ly school that works with vet­er­ans and active-duty mem­bers of the mil­i­tary to assist with their edu­ca­tion goals and find­ing finan­cial aid that applies to their needs.

Degree: BS in Man­age­ment Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems and Busi­ness Analytics

CSU Glob­al BS in Man­age­ment Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems and Busi­ness Analytics

What is Data Analytics?

What is data ana­lyt­ics? The term refers to the process of ana­lyz­ing the raw data on a net­work or sys­tem in order to iden­ti­fy pat­terns and come to con­clu­sions about a top­ic. What is big data ana­lyt­ics? In the case of big data ana­lyt­ics, it is a process of look­ing at large data sets and ana­lyz­ing the infor­ma­tion before mak­ing deci­sions and draw­ing conclusions.

The data ana­lyt­ics job descrip­tion varies based on the needs of the com­pa­ny. In most cas­es, the job descrip­tion for data ana­lyt­ics focus­es on using tech­ni­cal tools to eval­u­ate raw data and orga­nize the infor­ma­tion into a form that is pos­si­ble for you to break down and eval­u­ate. Data ana­lyt­ics job descrip­tions may also include top­ics relat­ed to com­put­er sci­ence and data main­te­nance to ensure that infor­ma­tion is secure. The exact details for any posi­tion will vary based on the com­pa­ny and the needs of the business.

What Kinds of Jobs Can I Get with a Data Analytics Degree?

Jobs in data ana­lyt­ics focus on the sci­ence behind the process of eval­u­at­ing raw data. In many cas­es, the jobs for data ana­lyt­ics empha­size spe­cif­ic skills sets and goals with­in the company.

When it comes to data ana­lyt­ics entry lev­el jobs, you can find options in com­put­er sci­ence posi­tions, IT posi­tions, or direct ana­lyt­i­cal roles. You may also find data ana­lyt­ics jobs entry lev­el oppor­tu­ni­ties in quan­ti­ta­tive analy­sis or busi­ness analy­sis. Data analy­sis jobs give you a flex­i­ble option to focus on dif­fer­ent areas of the IT indus­try and com­put­er sci­ence industry.

What can I do with a degree in data ana­lyt­ics? It depends on your per­son­al inter­ests and goals. Jobs with a data ana­lyt­ics degree can range from work­ing under a com­put­er sci­en­tist, work­ing in data man­age­ment, or work­ing in a busi­ness envi­ron­ment to ana­lyze data for mar­ket­ing goals. The exact roles depend on your inter­ests and your plans.

How Much Can I Make with a Data Analytics Degree?

When you are look­ing into big data ana­lyt­ics salary poten­tial, you will want to remem­ber that many fac­tors con­tribute to actu­al salary poten­tial. The data ana­lyt­ics job salary may vary based on your loca­tion, the posi­tion, your edu­ca­tion lev­el, and your work expe­ri­ence. As a gen­er­al rule, the data ana­lyt­ics spe­cial­ist salary you can expect is around $67,000 per year.

Although the aver­age is around $67,000 per year, you can expect the data ana­lyt­ics start­ing salary to be low­er than the aver­age in most loca­tions. The data ana­lyt­ics major salary may also depend on your lev­el of edu­ca­tion. If you have a grad­u­ate cer­tifi­cate or com­plete a mas­ter’s degree, then you may earn more than the aver­age salary. Loca­tions may also impact your income poten­tial, so some areas may exceed the aver­age due to a high­er cost of liv­ing while oth­er areas have a low­er salary when com­pared to the average.

The data ana­lyt­ics degree salary will have some vari­a­tion. You may also expect to see that some indus­tries, such as the finan­cial ser­vices indus­try, may offer a high­er income due to the risks and the con­cerns that may arise with­in the indus­try. The exact details for salary poten­tial dif­fer based on the details of your sit­u­a­tion and your edu­ca­tion. You can earn a high wage as you gain expe­ri­ence in your field and become an expert in spe­cif­ic skills, so you will want to eval­u­ate the best options to help you reach your income goals when you are look­ing into job opportunities.

Relat­ed Rankings:

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15 Best Online Bach­e­lor’s in Analytics

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