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One of the main con­cerns a work­ing adult has when look­ing for a degree in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion is find­ing an afford­able pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree. One way to find an afford­able pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree is to look for low-cost degree options by search­ing each prospec­tive web­site and look­ing for prices. Gen­er­al­ly, a per­son will notice that pub­lic col­leges tend to have the low­est tuition costs. A per­son may also want to con­sid­er start­ing at a com­mu­ni­ty col­lege to earn basic cred­its. Then, he or she can trans­fer these cred­its to a pub­lic or pri­vate college.

Addi­tion­al­ly, a per­son can see if his or her employ­er offers a tuition employ­er reim­burse­ment pro­gram. This pro­gram con­sists of an employ­er reim­burs­ing a stu­dent for part of his or her edu­ca­tion. Usu­al­ly, the employ­er will require that the employ­ee remain employed with the com­pa­ny while the per­son attends col­lege as well as for a des­ig­nat­ed amount of time after his or her edu­ca­tion is com­plete in order to qualify.

Methodology: Ranking the Most Affordable Public Administration Degree Programs

As part of the Bachelor’s Degree Cen­ter mis­sion of point­ing stu­dents to the best degree pro­grams for their career goals, BDC edi­tors fea­ture only respect­ed, accred­it­ed col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties. The Most Afford­able rank­ing is pre­sent­ed strict­ly by tuition cost, accord­ing to cur­rent IPEDS data.

1. St Petersburg College

St Peters­burg Col­lege offers a BS in Pub­lic Pol­i­cy and Admin­is­tra­tion that is rec­og­nized among the most afford­able pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree pro­grams in the nation. This online under­grad­u­ate degree in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion requires a degree can­di­date to com­plete 120 semes­ter cred­its to grad­u­ate. Class­es includ­ed in SPC’s degree include Con­sti­tu­tion­al Law, Diplo­ma­cy, Amer­i­can Civic Life, Pol­i­cy Lead­er­ship, Pub­lic Per­son­nel Man­age­ment, Man­age­ment Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems., plus a pub­lic pol­i­cy cap­stone project.

St Peters­burg Col­lege was found­ed in 1927. St. Peters­burg Col­lege is a mem­ber cam­pus of the Flori­da Col­lege Sys­tems. The college’s cam­pus­es on the west coast of Flori­da cov­ers more than 400 acres and serves more than 29,000 students.

What We Like: St Peters­burg Col­lege main­tains eleven cam­pus­es in the near­by loca­tions of Tar­pon Springs, Largo, Clear­wa­ter and Seminole.

Degree: Pub­lic Pol­i­cy and Admin­is­tra­tion, BS

St Peters­burg Col­lege BS in Pub­lic Pol­i­cy and Administration

2. California State University, Domingez Hills

Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, Dominguez Hills’s Col­lege of Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion and Pub­lic Pol­i­cy offers a Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence degree in Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion that pro­vides degree can­di­dates five aca­d­e­m­ic tracks with­in the degree. These include Admin­is­tra­tion, Crim­i­nal Jus­tice, Health Ser­vices, Pub­lic Per­son­nel, or Pub­lic Finance. Course­work for this under­grad­u­ate degree from Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, Dominguez Hills includes pub­lic pol­i­cy, pub­lic finance, per­son­nel finance, and the Amer­i­can con­sti­tu­tion. Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, Dominguez Hills’s pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree is rec­og­nized among the most afford­able pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree programs.

Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, Dominguez Hills was estab­lished in 1960. Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, Dominguez Hills’s 300+ acre cam­pus is locat­ed on the old­est land grant cam­pus in the Los Ange­les area. More than 16,900 stu­dents attend class­es offered by Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, Dominguez Hills.

What We Like: Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, Dominguez Hills is a his­tor­i­cal His­pan­ic-serv­ing high­er learn­ing institution.

Degree: Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion, BS

Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, Dominguez Hills Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion, BS

3. Columbia College

Colum­bia Col­lege of Missouri’s Depart­ment of His­to­ry, Phi­los­o­phy, and Polit­i­cal Sci­ence offers a Bach­e­lor of Arts (BA) degree in Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion that pre­pares stu­dents for a career as a city man­ag­er, pol­i­cy ana­lyst, jour­nal­ist, fundrais­ing spe­cial­ist, or lob­by­ist, among oth­ers. Colum­bia Col­lege is rec­og­nized as a best col­lege for vets (and a mem­ber of the Yel­low Rib­bon pro­gram) and the col­lege with the most 3rd secure cam­pus in the nation. US News ranks Columbia’s online bac­calau­re­ate degree pro­gram among the best in the Unit­ed States and the most afford­able pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree pro­gram in the state.

Colum­bia Col­lege was estab­lished in 1851 by a leg­isla­tive char­ter. Colum­bia Col­lege main­tains forty cam­pus­es through­out the coun­try and in Cuba, near­ly half designed to direct­ly impact mil­i­tary bases. This non­prof­it high­er learn­ing insti­tu­tion serves near­ly 10,000 students.

What We Like: About 1/3 of Colum­bia College’s stu­dents have a mil­i­tary background.

Degree: Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion, BA

Colum­bia Col­lege of Mis­souri Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion, BA

4. California State University, Northridge

Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, North­ridge offers a BA in Pub­lic Sec­tor Man­age­ment (PSM) that is con­sid­ered among the most afford­able pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree pro­gram in the state and beyond. CSUN’s bac­calau­re­ate degree pro­gram in pub­lic sec­tor man­age­ment pulls from an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary cur­ricu­lum to devel­op com­pe­ten­cies in the non­prof­it or gov­ern­men­tal sec­tors. Class­es for this degree include Pol­i­tics of Pub­lic Spend­ing, Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion, Ana­lyz­ing pol­i­cy Prob­lems, and Strate­gic Human resources Man­age­ment, to name a few.

Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, North­ridge was estab­lished in 1958. The uni­ver­si­ty’s sub­ur­ban cam­pus serves more than 38,200 stu­dents vying for the school’s more than 125 aca­d­e­m­ic degrees. In 1994 the school sus­tained sig­nif­i­cant dam­age in the North­ridge Earthquake.

What We Like: Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, North­ridge is rec­og­nized as one of the diverse high­er learn­ing insti­tu­tions of high­er learn­ing in the nation.

Degree: Pub­lic Sec­tor Man­age­ment, BA

Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­si­ty, North­ridge BA in Pub­lic Sec­tor Management

5. Florida International University

Flori­da Inter­na­tion­al University’s Green School of Inter­na­tion­al and Pub­lic Affairs Bach­e­lor of Pub­lic Pol­i­cy and Ser­vice offers a pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion under­grad­u­ate degree that has been named one of the most afford­able pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree pro­grams in the state and beyond. Degree can­di­dates enrolled in Flori­da Inter­na­tion­al Uni­ver­si­ty’s bac­calau­re­ate degree in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion are required the com­ple­tion 120 semes­ter cred­its. Course­work for this degree includes man­ag­ing glob­al cities, pub­lic sec­tor bud­get­ing, admin­is­tra­tive lead­er­ship, applied research meth­ods, and an inte­gra­tive sem­i­nar in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion, to name a few.

Flori­da Inter­na­tion­al Uni­ver­si­ty was estab­lished in 1965. FIU is rec­og­nized as one of the Sun­shine State’s pre­em­i­nent high­er learn­ing insti­tu­tions and the sec­ond largest in the state. More than 58,500 stu­dents attend class­es offered by Flori­da Inter­na­tion­al Uni­ver­si­ty in South Florida.

What We Like: In terms of enroll­ment FIU is rec­og­nized as hav­ing the fourth largest study body in the nation.

Degree: Bach­e­lor of Pub­lic Pol­i­cy and Service

6. Florida Atlantic University

Flori­da Atlantic Uni­ver­si­ty offers a Bach­e­lor of Pub­lic Man­age­ment (BPM) degree that is con­sid­ered among the state’s most afford­able pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree pro­grams. Class­es for this under­grad­u­ate degree in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion include Crime in School, Ethics and the Jus­tice Sys­tem, Pub­lic Sec­tor Labor Rela­tions, Pub­lic Bud­get­ing and Finance, Pub­lic Man­age­ment, and Fund­ing for Non­prof­it Orga­ni­za­tions, among oth­ers. Appli­cants must have com­plet­ed sev­er­al cours­es pri­or to enrolling – sta­tis­tics, macro­eco­nom­ics, infor­ma­tion sys­tems, and the gov­ern­ment of the Unit­ed States.

Flori­da Atlantic Uni­ver­si­ty was estab­lished in 1961. FAU oper­ates sev­er­al satel­lite facil­i­ties in the South Flori­da region that serve more than 30,400 stu­dents. FAU’s alum­ni asso­ci­a­tion boasts a total that exceeds 150,000 alumni.

What We Like: The cam­pus for FAU in Boca Raton was once a mil­i­tary air­field from the 1940s.

Degree: Bach­e­lor of Pub­lic Management

Flori­da Atlantic Uni­ver­si­ty Bach­e­lor of Pub­lic Management

7. University of Illinois- Springfield

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois-Spring­field Col­lege of Pub­lic Affairs and Admin­is­tra­tion offers a Bach­e­lor of Arts (BA) degree in Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion that offers three dis­tinc­tion aca­d­e­m­ic tracks. These aca­d­e­m­ic tracks include Non­prof­it Man­age­ment and Phil­an­thropy, Man­age­ment of Pub­lic Pol­i­cy and State & Local Gov­ern­ment Man­age­ment. The bac­calau­re­ate pro­gram from UI Spring­field is offered as a dual inte­grat­ed degree that includes a Mas­ter of Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion. The Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois Springfield’s pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree is con­sid­ered among the most afford­able pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree pro­grams in the state and beyond.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois- Spring­field was estab­lished in 1969 by leg­isla­tive action of the gen­er­al assem­bly. UI Spring­field is the newest cam­pus in the Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois Sys­tem, with more than 5,300 stu­dents. The uni­ver­si­ty offers more than 45 under­grad­u­ate and grad­u­ate degree programs.

What We Like: The school’s cam­pus is about five miles from Down­town Spring­field and is locat­ed on a pri­vate home­stead from 1845.

Degree: Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion, BA

Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois-Spring­field Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion, BA

8. University of Hawaii

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawaii offers a BA in Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion that offers stu­dents six relat­ed con­cen­tra­tions in Gen­er­al Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion, Jus­tice Admin­is­tra­tion, Long-term Care, Health Care, Dis­as­ter Pre­pared­ness, or Com­mu­ni­ty Health. Class­es for this most afford­able pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree pro­gram from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawaii include prin­ci­ples of pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion, admin­is­tra­tive deci­sion-mak­ing, human resources, admin­is­tra­tive law, and pub­lic com­mu­ni­ca­tion cam­paigns, to name a few. Stu­dents enrolled in UH’s pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree have the oppor­tu­ni­ty of com­plet­ing an intern­ship in a relat­ed area.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawaii was estab­lished in 1907. UH oper­ates a vari­ety of edu­ca­tion­al facil­i­ties through­out the Hawai­ian Islands include a train­ing cen­ter, com­mu­ni­ty col­leges, and uni­ver­si­ty edu­ca­tion cen­ters. The university’s stu­dent enroll­ment exceeds 50,100 students.

What We Like: Famous alum­ni of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawaii are Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma, Sen­a­tors Tam­my Duck­worth, and Dan Inouye and enter­tain­er Bette Midler.

Degree: Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion, BA

Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawaii BA in Pub­lic Administration

9. University of Maine at Augusta

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine at Augus­ta offers a BS in Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion that is con­sid­ered one of Maine’s most afford­able pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree pro­grams. Stu­dents grad­u­at­ing from UMA’s under­grad­u­ate pro­gram in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion find reward­ing careers as an audi­tor, state trea­sur­er, town man­ag­er, coun­ty admin­is­tra­tor, or human resource admin­is­tra­tor, among oth­ers. Degree can­di­dates enrolled in this degree pro­gram must com­plete 121 semes­ter cred­its to graduate.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine at Augus­ta was estab­lished in 1965 by a leg­isla­tive act. The Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine, locat­ed in Augus­ta, is a mem­ber school of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine Sys­tem with an addi­tion­al cam­pus in Ban­gor. The school’s stu­dent enroll­ment exceeds 5,900 students.

What We Like: The Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine at Augus­ta offers more than 30 aca­d­e­m­ic degree pro­grams on its two cam­pus­es and online.

Degree: Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion, BS

Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine at Augus­ta BS in Pub­lic Administration

10. University of Arizona

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona School of Gov­ern­ment and Pub­lic Pol­i­cy offers a Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence degree in Pub­lic Man­age­ment and Pol­i­cy that is rec­og­nized as one of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Arizona’s most afford­able pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree pro­grams. This under­grad­u­ate degree in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion from Ari­zona pro­vides degree can­di­dates three con­cen­tra­tions from which to select – Pub­lic Pol­i­cy, Envi­ron­men­tal Pol­i­cy, and Pub­lic Man­age­ment. Stu­dents enrolled in Ari­zon­a’s pro­gram requires degree can­di­dates to com­plete an intern­ship. Stu­dents grad­u­ate to find reward­ing careers in nation­al secu­ri­ty, envi­ron­men­tal pol­i­cy, health care pol­i­cy, law enforce­ment, or nation­al secu­ri­ty, among others.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona was estab­lished in 1885 under the Mor­rill Land Grant Act before Ari­zona became a state. Near­ly 46,000 stu­dents attend class­es offered by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Arizona’s nine­teen colleges/schools.

What We Like: The Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona is also the flag­ship cam­pus of the uni­ver­si­ty sys­tem and a space-grant school.

Degree: Pub­lic Man­age­ment & Pol­i­cy, BS

Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona Pub­lic Man­age­ment & Pol­i­cy, BS

How Much Can I Make With a Bachelor’s in Public Education?

A per­son may want to know what the aver­age degree in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion salary is, which varies from state to state, employ­er to employ­er, and posi­tion to posi­tion. How­ev­er, Payscale.com states that the aver­age pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree salary for some­one with a bach­e­lor’s degree is $64,848. Accord­ing to U.S. News, a degree in pub­lic ser­vice salary for a pub­lic rela­tions spe­cial­ist is $60,000. How­ev­er, the top 25 per­cent of earn­ers for this pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree salary was over $80,000.

A pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree salary for a for­eign ser­vice offi­cer is $88,994 per year. In addi­tion, the pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree salary for this posi­tion could be over $100,000 annu­al­ly, espe­cial­ly over time. Anoth­er pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree salary a per­son should look at is how much an edu­ca­tion admin­is­tra­tor makes. In fact, an edu­ca­tion admin­is­tra­tor can make $70,662 or pos­si­ble more.

A pub­lic pol­i­cy degree salary is gen­er­al­ly sim­i­lar to the aver­age salary of a pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree hold­er. For instance, the aver­age pub­lic pol­i­cy degree salary is between $40,000 and $60,000 per year.

These are just a few exam­ples of a pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion bach­e­lor degree salary. Some pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree jobs salaries are high­er while some are slight­ly low­er. A per­son could also ampli­fy their pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree jobs salaries by earn­ing a mas­ters degree, which allows a per­son to take on more com­plex roles and a wider vari­ety of roles.

Will a Certification Help My Career?

Besides a degree, a per­son can also earn cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion. The cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion allows a per­son to spe­cial­ize. He or she can take on more posi­tions. With a pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion cer­tifi­cate, a per­son has the poten­tial to earn more mon­ey and is more pre­pared for a job in the field.

For­tu­nate­ly, a per­son can earn pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion cer­ti­fi­ca­tion online, so he or she can still work in the field while improv­ing his or her job out­come. The pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion cer­ti­fi­ca­tion online is also much short­er than com­plet­ing an entire degree pro­gram, which can help some­one who wants to bet­ter his or her cre­den­tials with­out tak­ing on a mas­ter’s degree program.

Is a Public Administration Degree Worth It?

A per­son may won­der is a degree in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion worth it. If the salary seems appeal­ing, a per­son may answer yes to is a degree in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion worth it. Addi­tion­al­ly, a per­son may also answer yes to is a pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree worth it when he or she real­izes that there are a num­ber of job oppor­tu­ni­ties. A per­son can take on roles with the local gov­ern­ment. A per­son even can take on a posi­tion with the fed­er­al government.

A per­son should also con­sid­er the oppor­tu­ni­ties avail­able out­side of gov­ern­ment posi­tions when answer­ing is a pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree worth it. For instance, when a per­son answers is a pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree worth it, he or she should under­stand that gov­ern­ment jobs aren’t the only ones avail­able. A per­son can also take on a role with a non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tion. There are even oppor­tu­ni­ties in edu­ca­tion for those who pos­sess this degree.

An indi­vid­ual may also want to con­sid­er the fact that a per­son can earn a pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree com­plete­ly online. There­fore, he or she can earn this degree in his or her free time, even if he or she already has a full-time job, chil­dren, or oth­er obligations.

For­tu­nate­ly, with a pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion degree, and any degree at that mat­ter, a per­son has the abil­i­ty to find state and fed­er­al fund­ing to help with the cost of edu­ca­tion. Some employ­ers offer tuition reim­burse­ment for this pro­gram. There­fore, a per­son may have rel­a­tive­ly lit­tle expense with this degree and will still reap the rewards that the degree has to offer, such as job oppor­tu­ni­ties and a lucra­tive salary.

Relat­ed Rankings:

25 Best Bach­e­lor’s in Pub­lic Administration

15 Best Online Bach­e­lor’s in Pub­lic Administration

10 Fastest Online Bach­e­lor’s in Pub­lic Administration